Add Asset Type Details

Use the Asset Type Details option to display information related to the Asset Type selected at the end of the Form creation process.

When the Asset Type Details section is added to a Non-Assignment Form, the administrator must check each field that should appear on the Form and be displayed to the patron.

Use the following procedure to add an Asset Type Details section to a Form:

1.  Select the Asset Type Details option and drag it to the desired location in the Form.

2.  Select the Asset Type information that should be displayed on the Form (when viewed by a patron) by checking the necessary fields. The following information can be displayed:


     Number of Meals

     Dining Dollars


These fields will be displayed for each Asset Type displayed on the Form. Asset Types are defined on the final step of the process. Refer to the Add Requirements to a Form - Non-Assignments section for more information.

Note: Fields will only be displayed if there is a value available. For non-meal plan Asset Types (such as an equipment rental), the Number of Meals and Dining Dollars fields can be checked or unchecked. With either option, they will not be displayed.

3.  If necessary, click Edit to show the configuration options.

     Required – If checked, the patron must complete the Asset Type Details section of the Form.

     Label – The Label is the name for the Asset Type Details section displayed on the Form.

     Enable “Other” – If checked, an additional option, labeled Other, will be added to the list of Options. When a patron selects Other, a blank field is displayed to allow the patron to enter text.

     Read-Only By default, Asset Type Details information is read-only.

Note: CBORD recommends leaving the Read-Only field checked.

     Custom Labels – If necessary, enter a custom label for any of the Asset Type Details fields. This option can be used to match a label name with the name used by an institution (such as “Bearcat Bucks” instead of “Dining Dollars”). The following fields are available:

Custom Name Label

Custom Meals Label

Custom Dining Dollars Label

Custom Cost Label

4.  If necessary, drag the Asset Type Details section to another location in the Form.