Assign Rooms by Expected Dates

The Assign Rooms option accommodates assigning rooms to attendees with different expected start and/or end dates than the dates specified for the attendee group. The Expected date ranges field on the Assign Rooms page lists all expected start/end date ranges based on the attendees in a specific attendee group. Only one entry will display in the Expected date ranges drop-down list if all attendee expected start/end dates match the dates for the attendee group. An asterisk (*) in front of an option in the drop-down list indicates that it matches the date range of the attendee group.

When you click Search, the reserved rooms available for the selected expected start/end date range will show in the Available Rooms box. In the Attendees Not Assigned box, all attendees not assigned will show with their expected start/end dates. A symbol will show to the left of each attendee designating how their expected start/end dates correspond to the selection in the Expected date ranges field. For example:




The attendee’s expected start/end dates match the selection in the Expected date ranges field.


The attendee’s expected start date is later than the start date in the Expected date ranges field. The attendee’s expected end date matches.


The attendee’s expected start date is earlier than the start date in the Expected date ranges field. The expected end date is later.


The attendee’s expected start date is later than the start date in the Expected date ranges field. The expected end date is earlier.


The attendee’s expected start date is the same. The expected end date is earlier.

Note: If not [=], the first symbol denotes the comparison of the attendee’s expected start date to the selection. The second symbol denotes the comparison of the attendee’s end date to the selection.

Assignments are recorded by the attendee expected start/end dates. The system will attempt to create assignments based on the attendee expected dates, even if they are outside of the search date range. It is possible for a selected room not to be available for the expected dates, in which case the error Unable to process. Indicated Facility is not available will be displayed.