Change the Bulk Communication Email Rate

ResCenter has a built-in one second delay between each email sent via the Bulk Communication process. This delay helps prevent an email server’s spam filter from interpreting multiple emails as spam, thus preventing the emails from reaching patrons. However, an administrator may change the email processing rate to better suit an institution’s needs.

Note: Changing the Bulk Communication email rate to be faster than the default one second delay may cause some recipients to not receive emails. CBORD advises institutions to use a minimum of one second per email for the Bulk Communication email process.

Use the following procedure to change the Bulk Communication email rate:

1.  On the ResCenter server, locate the Web.config file in the ResCenter installation directory in the following location:


2.  In the <appSettings> section of the file, locate the following line:

<add key="BulkEmailDelay" value="1000"></add>

By default, the BulkEmailDelay value is 1000 to represent 1,000 milliseconds (or 1 second).

3.  Edit the BulkEmailDelay value to the desired email rate.

For example: To change the email rate to 3 seconds per email, change the BulkEmailDelay value to 3000:

<add key="BulkEmailDelay" value="3000"></add>

4.  Save the Web.config file.

5.  Restart the app pool to update ResCenter with the new configuration.