Facility Types Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Facility Types grid on the Facility Types page:




The Name is the name of the Facility Type. This name is different from the Facility’s Asset Type.

Space Level

Space Level, when marked Yes, indicates the Facility Type is used as a Space facility. Spaces allows an institution to associate items with a location. Patrons are not directly assigned to a Space. Instead, they are assigned to a room and linked to a Space for the duration of an assignment

ID Start Position

The ID Start Position defines the display position of each Facility Type within the Facility Label displayed in ResCenter. Refer to the following Facility Label Display section for more information.

ID Length

The ID Length is the total displayed length, in characters, for the Facility Type name. Refer to the following Facility Label Display section for more information.

ID Prefix

The ID Prefix is the Facility Type pre-fix (such as “BED:”)


If Show is marked Yes, the Facility Type is available for use in ResCenter.




Click Edit next to a Facility Type to view details for the Facility Type.