Family Members Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Family Members grid under the Family tab on the Patron page.



Family Member Name

Name of the family member.

Family Member ID

ID of the family member.


Relationship of the current patron to the family host patron.

Start Date

Start date of when the patron-to-host relationship becomes effective.

End Date

End date of when the patron-to-host relationship is effective.

Birth Date

Birth date of the family member.


Gender of the family member.

Host Name

Name of patron who is the family host.

Host ID

ID of patron who is the family host.



Add Family Member

Click Add Family member to add patrons to the family.


Click Edit to the patron’s Relationship to the family host and the Start/End Dates.


Click Delete to remove the family member from the family.

Only Show Family Members for Selected Host Dates

Select this checkbox to only show family members that have a Start Date before the current date and an End Date after the current date.