List of Billable Items List Grid

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the List of Billable Items grid:




Billable Item name. The billable item name must be unique throughout both systems (ResCenter and Odyssey HMS).


Description of the billable item.

Asset Group

Asset group assigned to the billable item (for example, Residence).

Location Type

Location type (for example, Floor). A location type is required only for the Residence asset group; it does not apply to any other asset groups.


Indicates with a Yes or No as to whether the billable item is active. A billable item marked as active is available for lookup on other Conferences pages. The setting does not affect the value of the HMS Active flag for the same billable item.

Odyssey HMS

Indicates with a Yes or No as to whether the billable item exists in Odyssey HMS.

In Use

Indicates with a Yes or No as to whether the billable item is in use. A billable item marked as in use cannot be deleted. A billable item is considered in use if it is linked to at least one conference event.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Click Add to add a new billable item.

Show Search Criteria

Click Show Search Criteria to display the Search Criteria options to search for specific billable items.

Add from Odyssey HMS

Click Add from Odyssey HMS to select one or more billable items from available Odyssey HMS billable items.

Alter Display

Click Alter Display to define the columns, sort, and number of rows to display in the grid. Click Restore Default in the Change display on the grid window to restore the display to the default settings.


Click Edit to edit billable item details.


Click Delete to delete a billable item. When a user attempts to delete a billable item that belongs to Odyssey HMS, the system will only remove the conference flag from the record so that it no longer appears in the grid, but it will still exist in the database for HMS.


Click Rates to add, edit, or delete billable item standard rates.