PCS Meal Plan Changes Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the PCS Meal Plan Changes grid on the PCS Meal Plan Changes page.



Function Name

Name of the type of meal plan change.

Function ID

ID associated with the Function Name.


The state of the meal plan change. The following states are available:

     Processed - The plan change has been processed by the Process PCS Plan Changes task but not approved by an administrator. This state can only occur if the task is run with Delay Commit of FT Transactions set to true.  Plan changes in this state allow modification of financial fields.  Approving a plan change in this state commits any pending FT transactions

     Approved - The plan change has been processed by the Process PCS Plan Changes task.  If the Delay Commit of FT Transactions is set to true, then an administrator has also approved the plan change.

     Error - The plan change encountered an error during processing or approval.  The error is detailed in the Error field in the table.  Some errors are caused by not specifying enough setup information so that proration can be determined.  In these cases, it is possible to modify the financial fields and approve the plan change.


Date and time of the meal plan change.

Plan ID

Plan ID in PCS.

Tender ID

Tender ID in PCS.

Tender Name

Tender Name in PCS.

Transaction Amount

The transaction amount, in units. This is the quantity of meal plan items that are changed.


For any meal plan change with an Error State, a description of the error will be displayed.

Start Date

The start date of the new contract.

Original End Date

The end date of the old contract.

FT Amount

For changes with associated financial transactions, this is the actual charge of the meal plan change.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.

Alter Display

Click Alter Display to define the columns, sort, and number of rows to display in the grid. Click Restore Default in the Change display on the grid window to restore the display to the default settings.

Go to Patron

Click Go to Patron to view the profile of the patron associated with the meal plan change.

Approve Meal Plan Change

Click Approve Meal Plan Change to the change the status of the Meal Plan Change to Approved.


Click Delete to remove the meal plan change from the PCS Meal Plan Changes grid.

Show Search Criteria

Click Show Search Criteria to display search parameters for filtering the PCS Meal Plan Changes grid.