Preferences Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Preferences grid on the Preferences Setup page:




There are two Preference Types:

     Facility Preference: A Facility Preference is a patron’s preference for a room assignment. The preference could be for a specific facility or a characteristic about the facility (such as North Campus).

     Roommate Preference: A Roommate Preference is a patron’s preference for a roommate. The preference may describe study habits, sleep habits, or music genre preferences.


The name of the preference. The preference Name is used when creating an Automatic Assignment definition or using Advanced Find.


A core or custom Attribute can be defined as the source of the Preference. Alternatively, select either Facility Type or Specific Facility as the Source:

     Requested Roommate: A Requested Roommate Preference Source allows patrons to search for and select other patrons to request as roommates.

     Facility Type: A Facility Type Preference Source allows patrons to select a Facility by its Asset Type—such as a “Double” or “Single” room.

     Specific Facility: A Specific Facility Preference Source allows patrons to select a specific building or room.

Max Rank

Patrons may be allowed to rank their preference choices. The Max Rank value defines the maximum rank value allowed.

Default Rank

Patrons may be allowed to rank their preference choices. The Default Rank value defines the initial rank value for the Preference when the patron ranks the Preference values.


The ID number automatically assigned to the Preference.


Indicates if the Preference will be available to use throughout ResCenter.



Create Attribute Group

Click Create Preference to add a new Preference to the Preferences grid.


Click Search… to enter a search value to filter the Preferences grid.


Click Edit next to a Preference to edit the Preference.


Click Delete next to a Preference to delete the Preference.

Add to Term

Click Add to Term to associate the Preference with one or more Terms.