Room Inspection Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Resident Room Inspections List grid on the Resident Room Inspections page:




Location of the room inspection.

Trigger Event

Event that triggered the room inspection (Move In or Move Out).

Trigger Date

Date the resident room inspection was triggered (Move In or Move Out date).

Resident ID

ID number of the resident whose Move In or Move Out event triggered the inspection.

Resident Name

Name of the resident whose Move In or Move Out event triggered the inspection.

Resident Inspection Date

Date of the resident room inspection.


Status of the room inspection:

     Pending: The room inspection has been scheduled and is pending inspection.

     Incomplete: The room inspection has not been completed.

     Completed: The room inspection has been completed.


Indicates with a Yes or No as to whether the resident room inspection was auto-completed.



On completed inspections, if there is a disagreement between staff and the resident regarding an item condition, Yes will be displayed in this column. After a staff member has reviewed the disagreement, the Yes in this column will be replaced with Yes (reviewed).

Staff Note


If a student used express check-out, Express check-out will be displayed in this column. If the room inspection was auto-completed, Auto-completed will display in this column.

Schedule Date

Date the room inspection was scheduled.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Displays the number of resident room inspections currently being displayed.


Click Auto-complete to auto-complete a resident room inspection.


Click Export to retrieve all of the rows for the given search criteria and export the results into a CSV file.

Show Search Criteria

Click Show Search Criteria to display the Search Criteria options.

Alter Display

Click Alter Display to define the columns, sort, and number of rows to display in the grid. Click Restore Default in the Change display on the grid window to restore the display to the default settings.

View Resident Room Inspection

Click View Resident Room Inspection to review room inspection information.


Click Cancel to cancel a room inspection.