Room Inspections with Billable Conditions Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid on the Approve Staff Inspection Charges page:

Note: A room inspection will only be displayed in the Room Inspections with Billable Conditions grid if it meets the following criteria: 1) The room inspection contains items defined with a Billable Condition, and 2) Any item with a Billable Condition has a defined value ($0.00 or greater).



Room Inspection ID


Auto-generated ID number that uniquely identifies the room inspection. This number identifies one inspection from another in the case where multiple inspections are performed on the same room.


Location of the room inspection.

Inspected By

ResCenter User name of the person who performed the room inspection.

Total Amount

Total amount of charges for inventory items with Billable conditions.

Effective Date

Date of a staff or resident event that causes the inspection to begin.

Due Date

Date the room inspection is due.

Inspection Date

Date and time the room inspection was performed.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.

Show Search Criteria

Click Show Search Criteria to display the Search Criteria options. Refer to the Search for a Staff Room Inspection with Billable Conditions section for more information.

View Charges

Click View Charges to view, edit, and approve charges defined for the facility’s inventory items. Once approved, charges are available to be generated as FT transactions via the Generate Charges function.

Generate Charges

Click Generate Charges to create FT transactions for the facility’s patrons based on the (approved) charges defined for the inventory items.

Remove All Charges

Click Remove All Charges to clear the Amount field for each of an inspection’s inventory items with a Billable condition. This function also removes the approval for any charge within the inspection.