Work Orders Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Work Orders grid on the Work Orders page.




ID number assigned to the work order. The ID generation rule is specified in the System Parameters option. ID numbers can be set up to be automatically generated by the system, manually entered by the user, or a combination of both (automatically generated but can be manually changed by the user).


Location where the work was scheduled to be done.



Status of the work order (for example, In Process). Statuses are defined in the Work Order Statuses option.


Work order type (for example, Maintenance). Types are defined using the Work Order Type option.


Work order priority (for example, Medium). Priorities are defined using the Work Order Priority option.


Person who requested the work order.

Requester Type

The Requester’s ResCenter user type.

Request Date

Date the work order was requested.

Due Date

Date by which the work order needs to be completed.

Assigned To

Name of the person responsible for completing the work order.

Completed On

Date the work order was completed.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Click Add to add a work order.

Print Report

Click Print Report to print multiple work orders.

Show Search Criteria

Click Show Search Criteria to display the Search Criteria options in order to search for specific work orders.


Click Select to display the work order details. You can then click Edit to modify the work order, click Add Work Order to add a work order, or click Print to print the work order.


Click Print to print single work orders from the List or Work Orders grid or the Work Order page.


Click Delete next to the work order you want to delete.