Add Contract Item

The Add Contract Item task is used to add a contract item for a non-assignment Asset Type.  For example, this task can be used to add a medical fee for a group of students. However, it is not possible to use the Add Contract Item task to add a contract item for a specific asset (such as Laptop #1018). Contract items for specific assets must be added manually.

Add Contract Item Considerations

     It’s important to verify the Expected Start and Expected End dates—and the contract item’s Status and Charge Schedule—before running the task. 

     For more information about contract items, refer to the Contracts Overview section.

Add Contract Item Settings

The Add Contract Item task contains the following settings:

1.  Patron Selection: Select one of the following options to provide a list of patrons for the Add Contract Item task process:

     Remote File Path: Enter the full directory path and file name (including extension) in the available field. For example:


The imported file can be an ID List or a simple text file with only one record per line. The file must be stored on the Odyssey HMS/ResCenter server. It is not possible to import the file from a local workstation.

Notes: If a file path is defined for a scheduled task, the path is referenced each time the task runs. If the file’s data is updated (either manually edited or overwritten), the updated data will be used the next time the task is processed.

When creating or editing a task, ResCenter only verifies that the Remote File Path field is populated—not that the file exists—allowing a user to schedule a future task with a file that will be added later. If the file does not exist when the task runs, an error will be recorded in the Task History, and a failure email will be sent (if the task is configured with an email address).

     Advanced Find: Click the Advanced Find button to use the Patron Advanced Find function to search for and select patrons to process with this task.

Note: When configuring an Advanced Find filter, the Max items to return field is set to 1,000, by default. CBORD recommends users increase this value if there’s a possibility that more than 1,000 patrons could be returned for this task.

2.  Select the Asset Group and corresponding Asset Type.

Note: If an Asset Type is set to not appear on a patron contract (configured via the Inventory module in Odyssey HMS), it will not be displayed in the list of Asset Types available.

3.  Select the Status of the contract:

     Preliminary: The Preliminary state is an initial state and is used to indicate a contract item that has not been committed to yet. The Preliminary state counts against asset, asset type, and facility usage. For example, an assignment in the Preliminary state will mark the space as occupied.

     Active: The Active state represents a contract that has been committed to. The active state counts against asset, asset type, and facility usage.

     Expired: The Expired state is the state reached from the Preliminary state, usually because the contract has reached the expiration date. A contract in an Expired state does not count against asset, asset type, or facility usage. An expired contract item can be reversed to a Preliminary state.

     Canceled: The Canceled state is a final state and does not count against asset, asset type, or facility usage. A Canceled contract item can be reversed to either a Preliminary or an Active state.

Note: Refer to the Process Contract Items section for information about how contract item states are affected by contract item processing.

4.  Deposit Required: If a deposit is required for the contract, enter deposit amount.

Deposit Paid: Select this option if the patron has paid a deposit corresponding with the contract.

5.  If necessary, select a term from the Use Term Dates drop-down. The Expected Start date and Expected End date will be updated.

6.  Edit the following dates, as necessary:

     Expected Start

     Expected Use

     Actual Use Start Date

     Actual Use End Date

7.  If necessary, click Charge Schedules to add charge schedules to the contract. Refer to the Edit a Contract and View Linked Charge Schedules for a Contract sections for more information about Contract Details and Charge Schedules.