Available Reports Overview

The following table lists the standard reports available in the Reporting menu:

Note: For all Patron reports, patron names are displayed in the format configured in the Name Display Format setting.

Patron Reports




Check-In/Out Listing

This report identifies patrons, for a specified term, who have checked in or out, or should have checked in or out.

Report data selection criteria: Term, location, report type (Checked In, Checked In or Moved In, Not Checked In and Not Moved In, Not Checked In but Moved In, Checked Out, Checked Out or Moved Out, Not Checked Out and Not Moved Out, Not Checked Out but Moved Out), client-defined check-in or check-out attribute settings.

Report sorted by: Building, patron name.

Conference Reports




Conference Attendee Listing

This report provides a list of all attendees by attendee group for a conference event. It lists the attendee assignment and expected occupancy dates.

Report data selection criteria: Event.

Report sorted by: Attendee group, attendee name.

Room Turnover

This report identifies rooms that need to be turned over quickly. The report lists rooms that will be vacated for the specified dates. If arrivals will occur on the same day, the earliest arrival time will be included. The Last Departing Time is the last occupant’s expected departure time.

Report data selection criteria: Departure date range, location.

Report sorted by: Departure day, building, room.

Conference Revenue Report

This report provides an overview of how much revenue is generated for conferences during a specified period.

Report data selection criteria: Event date range, asset groups, billable items.

Report sorted by: Event name.

Maintenance Reports




Resident Room Inspection by Building

This report provides a listing of resident room inspections by building. The purpose is to provide a list of resident room inspections by building, status (Pending, Incomplete, Completed), trigger event (Move In or Move Out) and whether the inspections have any disagreements.

Report data selection criteria: Location, status, trigger event, and whether to only include inspections with disagreements.

Report sorted by: Building, status (Pending, Incomplete, Complete), trigger event (Move In, Move Out), disagreements.

Note: Patron names are displayed in the format configured in the Name Display Format setting.

Resident Room Inspections with Disagreements

This report provides a list of resident room inspections that include a disagreement between staff and the resident regarding an item condition. Once a staff member has reviewed all disagreements on a resident room inspection, the room inspection will no longer appear on the report.

Report data selection criteria: Location, staff inspection date range.

Report sorted by: No sort order.

Staff Room Inspection Listing

This report is a listing of room inspections. The purpose is to provide a list of room inspections that meets the specified selection criteria.

Report data selection criteria: Location, due date range, inspection date range.

Report sorted by: Location, inspection date, due date.

Staff Room Inspection by Building

This report provides a listing of staff room inspections by building. The purpose is to provide a list of staff room inspections by building, status, and whether to only include inspections that have inventory item conditions that are flagged for follow-up.

Follow-up conditions should trigger additional action whether to fix the problem or replace the inventory item.

Note: The inventory item condition follow-up setting is configured in the Inventory Item Condition function.

Report data selection criteria: Location, status (Pending, Past Due, Completed), whether to only include inspections with a follow-up status.

Report sorted by: Building, status, location.

Staff Room Inspections with Follow-Up Conditions

This report provides a list of staff room inspections that include items with conditions that require follow up.

Follow-up conditions should trigger additional action whether to fix the problem or replace the inventory item.

Note: The inventory item condition follow-up setting is configured in the Inventory Item Condition function.

Report data selection criteria: Location, inspection date range.

Report sorted by: No sort order.

Work Order Listing

This report provides a list of work orders that meet the specified selection criteria.

Report data selection criteria: Status, staff assigned to the work order, location, type, due date range, request date range, work completed date range.

Report sorted by: No sort order.

Note: Patron names are displayed in the format configured in the Name Display Format setting.