Configure SFTP Vendor

An SFTP Vendor can be defined for use with the Export Data Using SFTP task. The task is used to send patron-based data from the ResCenter database to another location via SFTP protocol.

Use the following procedure to add an SFTP Vendor from the Vendors page:

1.  Select Vendors from the Setup > Integrations > Vendors menu. The Vendors page is displayed.

2.  Click Create Vendor.

3.  In the Protocol menu, select SFTP.

4.  Enter the following information:



Note: The default Port is 22; however, the Port value must match the Port in which the SFTP server is listening.

     User Name

     Password – Select Use Password to configure the SFTP vendor with a password. If not using a password, enter a Private Key instead.

     Source Folder

     Destination Folder

     Private Key - If not using a Private Key, select Use Password and enter a password instead.

If necessary, contact CBORD Support for assistance with configuring SFTP settings for your institution.