Institution Settings

Use the Institution Settings page (accessed via Setup > Global > Institution Settings) to change various institution settings in ResCenter.

General Settings

The following General institution settings are available:

     Institution Name: Enter the name of the institution (i.e. the name of the college or university). The name is displayed in various places in ResCenter, including the footer of every ResCenter screen and the Login page.

     Max Advanced Find Results (default): Enter a value for the maximum number of results displayed, by default, when processing a search query in the Advanced Find function. When using Advanced Find, this value can be changed for an individual search by editing the Max Items to Return in the Display Settings.

     Require Housing Term for Financial Transactions: If enabled, this setting requires users to select a Term when creating a Financial Transaction. Requiring a Term may make it easier to search for Financial Transactions associated with a Term. Additionally, setting a default Term for Transaction Codes may make creating manual transactions easier.

If transactions require a Term and Contract Item Charge Schedules are used to generate charges, a default Term must be set for each Transaction Code used for charges or credits. The Process Contract Items task—used to generate contract item charges—rejects transactions without a default Term unless the patron is in a Term with a date range that includes the date of the transaction.

Note: If requiring a Term for each Financial Transaction, remember to change the default Term for Transaction Codes before the beginning of each Term. Alternatively, different Transaction Codes can be created for each Term.

     eRezLife URL: If an institution uses the eRezLife application, enter the URL for the site. The URL will be displayed in the Linked Systems section of the ResCenter Home Page and allow users to navigate to the institution’s eRezLife site.

Patron Settings

The following Patron institution settings are available:

     Family ID Number Prefix: ResCenter can automatically generate a family member’s ID number. To use a prefix (such as “FM”) as part of the generated ID number, enter the prefix characters. If left blank, ResCenter will not automatically generate a family member’s ID number, and users will be required to enter the family member’s ID number manually.

Note: Any combination of letters and numbers can be used for the Family ID Number Prefix. However, ResCenter must be able to generate at least six characters in the family member’s ID number. For example, if the ID number length is set to nine, the Family ID Number Prefix can be up to three characters.

     Patron Label: The Patron Label replaces text in various areas that reference patrons in ResCenter, including the name of the Patron module. For example:

A university may refer to patrons as “students”. Setting the Patron Label to “Student” changes all instances of “Patron” to “Student” in ResCenter. Thus, the Patron module would be named Student.

Note: The format of patron names is defined by the Name Display Format System Parameter (Setup > Patron > System Parameter). This setting defines which name types (FirstName, PreferredName, MiddleName, and LastName) are used and the order in which each is displayed.


The following Contract institution settings are available:

     Mixed Gender Assignments: This setting defines whether mixed gender room assignments are allowed. The following options are available:

Warn: Allows a mixed gender assignment but displays a warning

Prevent: Does not allow a mixed gender assignment

Allow: Allows a mixed gender assignment

For this setting to work correctly, genders must be defined for all patrons.

     Minimum Assignment Length: This setting defines the minimum number of days allowed for a housing assignment. Assignments less than this value are not allowed.

     Default Contract Start Time: This setting defines the default start time for contracts. The value can be overwritten when a contract is created.

     Default Contract End Time: This setting defines the default start time for contracts. The value can be overwritten when a contract is created.

     Prorate Automatically: When enabled, charges and credits will be automatically prorated. A default proration schedule must be defined for each asset type used for assignments.

     Maintain individual monthly charges/proration: When enabled, an institution can generate monthly contract charges up to a defined point (such as to the very end of the contract). In this scenario, ResCenter will generate an individual charge transaction for each month instead of one total charge transaction.

In the Process Contract Items task, for all the charges to be generated, the Generate Charges Up To date must be set to (or later than) the latest charge date of the contract.

     Space Label: The setting defines the text used in various areas that reference a “Space” in ResCenter.

     Use Spaces: When enabled, the institution can use Spaces. If enabled, the following options are also available:

Spaces Assigned Automatically: When enabled, ResCenter will automatically assign patrons to a Space when an assignment is created.

Spaces Assigned Manually: When enabled, a user can manually assign patrons to a Space when creating an assignment.

     Default Grace Period for Room Change: This setting defines the default number of hours for a room change’s grace period.

     Default Grace Period Increment: This setting defines the increment size, in hours, used when changing a room change’s grace period.

For example: If a user enters 2, and a room change’s grace period is 12, then the grace period can only be changed in 2-hour increments (such as to 10 hours or 14 hours)

     Maximum Assignment Grace Period: This setting defines the maximum number of hours that can be set for grace period.