Phone Call Item Types

Add an Incoming Phone Call

Use the following procedure to add an incoming phone call from the Communications tab:

1.  From the Patron tab, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Communications tab.

4.  In the Communication Items grid, click Add and select Add Phone Call.

5.  If necessary, enter or search for the associated patron in the Patron Search field. By default, the current patron will be used.

When a patron is selected, the patron’s name will be displayed in the Patron Name field.

6.  Select Incoming to indicate the type of phone call.

7.  Enter the name of the person (not staff member) who is the point of contact in the Contact Name field. To use the name of the patron, click the auto-fill icon.

8.  In the Staff Responsible field, enter the user who should be responsible for the phone call contact. By default, the Staff Responsible field will be auto-populated with the current ResCenter user’s name.

Alternatively, search for a user by entering a value and clicking Lookup.

To search by staff position, select the Find By Position option. Positions are assigned to staff members via Setup > Security > Staff.

9.  Enter a Summary of the phone call.

10. If necessary, enter any Comments about the phone call.

11. In the Tags section, enter any tags to associate with the phone call. Tags can be used to categorize or describe the call.

12. Enter or select the Contact Date. This is the actual date the call was made.

13. Click Save.

Add an Outgoing Phone Call

Use the following procedure to add an incoming phone call from the Communications tab:

1.  From the Patron tab, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Communications tab.

4.  In the Communication Items grid, click Add and select Add Phone Call.

5.  If necessary, enter or search for the associated patron in the Patron Search field. By default, the current patron will be used.

When a patron is selected, the patron’s name will be displayed in the Patron Name field.

6.  Select Outgoing to indicate the type of phone call.

7.  Enter the name of the person (not staff member) who is the point of contact in the Contact Name field. To use the name of the patron, click the auto-fill icon.

8.  Enter the phone number of the point of contact in the Phone Number field. To use a phone number associated with the patron’s address, click the auto-fill icon.

9.  In the Staff field, enter the user who should be responsible for the phone call contact.

Alternatively, search for a user by entering a value and clicking Lookup.

To search by staff position, select the Find By Position option. Positions are assigned to staff members via Setup > Security > Staff.

10. Enter a Summary of the phone call.

11. If necessary, enter any Comments about the phone call.

12. In the Tags section, enter any tags to associate with the phone call. Tags can be used to categorize or describe the call.

13. Enter or select the Contact Date. This is the actual date the call was made.

14. Enter or select the Due Date. This date indicates the deadline by which the call should be made.

15. Select the Status of the phone call. By default, the Status of a new Outgoing phone call will be To Do. The following Status options are available:

     In Process

     To Do




16. If a voice mail is left for the contact, check the Voice Mail check box.

17. Click Save.

View a Phone Call

Use the following procedure to view a phone call contact item from the Communications tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Communications tab.

4.  In the Communication Items grid, click View next to a phone call contact item. The phone call item’s read-only information will be displayed.

5.  Click Close.

Edit a Phone Call

Use the following procedure to edit a phone call contact item from the Communications tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Communications tab.

4.  In the Communication Items grid, click Edit next to a phone call contact item.

5.  Edit the following fields, as necessary:

     If necessary, enter or search for the associated patron in the Patron Search field. By default, the current patron will be used.

When a patron is selected, the patron’s name will be displayed in the Patron Name field.

     Select either Incoming to indicate the type of phone call.

Note: As of ResCenter v18.3, it is only possible to designate the phone call as Incoming.

     Enter the name of the person (not staff member) who is the point of contact in the Contact Name field. To use the name of the patron, click the auto-fill icon.

     Select an option from the Contact Type drop-down menu. Contact Types are configured (as Contact Definitions) via the Contact Management module in Odyssey HMS.

Note: As of ResCenter v18.3, Phone will be selected for the Contact Type, by default.

     Select an option from the Reason drop-down menu. Reason definitions are configured via the Contact Management module in Odyssey HMS.

     In the Staff Responsible field, enter the user who should be responsible for the phone call contact. By default, the Staff Responsible field will be auto-populated with the current ResCenter user’s name.

Alternatively, search for a user by entering a value and clicking Lookup.

To search by staff position, select the Find By Position option. Positions are assigned to staff members via Setup > Security > Staff.

     Enter a Summary of the phone call.

     If necessary, enter any Comments about the phone call.

     In the Tags section, enter any tags to associate with the phone call. Tags can be used to categorize or describe the call.

6.  Enter or select the Contact Date. This is the actual date the call was made.

7.  Enter or select the Due Date. This date indicates the deadline by which the call should be made.

8.  Select the Status of the phone call. By default, the Status of a new Outgoing phone call will be To Do. The following Status options are available:

     In Process

     To Do




9.  If a voice mail is left for the contact, check the Voice Mail check box.

10. Click Save.

Delete a Phone Call

Use the following procedure to delete a phone call contact item from the Communications tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Communications tab.

4.  In the Communication Items grid, click Delete next to a phone call contact item. A confirmation message will be displayed. Click OK.