Communications Overview

The patron Communications tab allows staff members to send messages to patrons and keep records of phone calls between staff members and patrons. Staff members can also add and edit Attachments and Notes for a patron profile. Notes can be set as alerts which will cause the note to pop-up each time a patron’s profile is viewed.

When adding a note, a Predefined Note can be selected and modified, if necessary. See the Predefined Notes section for more information on how to create pre-defined notes.

For communication items stored in the Contact Management module of Odyssey HMS, a read-only record of the item will be viewable via the Communication Items grid.

Communications Tab User Permissions

User access to the Communications tab is determined by a user role’s access for the Patron.PatronCommunications permission (Setup > Security > Roles > (select role) > Select). A user must have permissions to Add, Update, Delete or View the Patron.PatronCommunications permission to access the following sub-permissions for the Communications tab:





Note: For existing User Roles with access rights for the Patron.PatronNote and Patron.PatronAttachment permissions, the Role will also need the same access rights for the Patron.PatronCommunications permission to be able to access patron notes and attachments.

Refer to the Edit a Role section for more information about editing user role permissions.