Use the following procedure to view a floor plan from the Floor Plans page of the Patron module:
1. From the Patron menu, select Search By Facility.
The display date at the top of the Facility Tree shows the facilities that existed on that date, which allows users to view facility changes over time. If necessary, click the calendar to change the date, and click Refresh to update the Facility Tree for that date.
2. From the Facility
Tree, click on a facility to select the facility’s floor plan to view. If
necessary, expand the tree by clicking on the expand icon for the desired parent facility.
3. With a facility selected, the facility’s floor plan will be displayed below the collapsed facility tree. Above the floor plan, the following information is displayed:
• Facility Information: Lists the child facilities associated with the selected facility.
• Occupant List: Lists any patrons that are assigned to the facility.
• Available Spaces: Indicates the number of spaces within the facility that are available for assignments.
When viewing the floorplan, any Selected facilities are occupied facilities and will be displayed in purple. Unoccupied (Available) facilities are displayed in orange. Any facilities that cannot have a patron assignment are Unavailable and displayed in grey.
4. When viewing a floor plan, users can view a facility’s details or view a patron assigned to the facility.