Manage Facilities Overview

The Facilities section of the Facilities menu provides options for adding and configuring facility information for an institution. The Facilities functions are used to manage the facilities used for housing assignments and inventory tracking.

Note: To access the Manage Facilities page and subsequent facility detail pages, a user must, at a minimum, have View rights for the Patron.Patron and Patron.PatronContract permissions and have Access rights for the Administration.Billable Item permission via the Roles page in the Setup module.

Using the Facility Tree

The Facility Tree structure provides a visual hierarchy of all of the facilities for an institution. To expand a section of the tree, click on the + Expand icon.  To collapse a section, click the Collapse icon.

The display date at the top of the Facility Tree shows the facilities that existed on that date, which allows users to view facility changes over time.  If the date is changed, click Refresh to update the Facility Tree for that date. 

After selecting a facility in the Facility Tree, the main window of the Facilities module will become populated with that facility’s general details. Additional tabs will become available below, displaying information for the following categories:




     Occupancy Summary

     Occupants in Facility



When a facility is selected, the Facility Tree will be collapsed. To expand the Facility Tree once again, click Facility Tree.

The Asset Type calendar below the facility's general information displays the facility's asset types by calendar date range. Also in the main facility section, an Occupants calendar displays the patrons assigned to the facility for the selected dates.